Monday, August 9, 2010

NeoBux Tip

Good Morning to all of you. Hope this morning has been a great and productive one. for me it has been a slow start. I am ready to go now and have another tip for you in NeoBux.

This may seem like a really no-brainer but it is extremely important one to go by. This is that you absolutely must click a minimum of 4 advertisements a day to receive credit for your refs clicks the following day. Think about it, if you are not receiving credit for your refs clicks and are still paying to rent them then you will definitely not make any money. 

The best way to do this if possibel is to set up some sort of schedule. A time that you can click your ads every single day. This only takes 5-10 minutes tops. So it is not having the time but really remembering to do so. If for some reason you are to be out of town for an extended stay see if one of your trusted friends or family members can log into ur account and click the 4 ads as required. There is a way to click ads on another computer but you must be sure that the owner of that computer will never be a member of NeoBux. The reason for this is Neobux does not allow for multiple accounts for the same user.

So to summarize, be sure to click your ads on a daily basis. You lose money when you don't. Well that's all for the NeoBux tip for the day. Hope all of you have a great day and I will talk to all of you later.

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